Contact: Steve Younger
Since 19th July we have restarted services in our Church’s building on Sunday mornings at 11am. Space is very limited as we have adapted our layout to ensure that we can maintain a 2 metre distance between those attending. If you wish to attend please note that you will be asked to visit a hand sanitation station when you enter and again when you leave the premises. For contact tracing purposes you will also be asked to give your name and a contact number. A facemask must be worn at all times in the building. We are unable to sing, share communion or offer tea./coffee at this time but you will be made very welcome. Our Sunday Club is operating during the morning service and children under the age of twelve can attend this.
If you are unable to leave your offerings in cash on Sundays then please feel free to use Internet banking. A BACS transfer can be made to the Church account. Email the minister (address above) for details of Sort Code and Account Number. Thank you.