by | Oct 24, 2019 | Clubs and Organisations
Intercession is shared work “Some men came, bringing to him a paralytic, carried by four of them.” (Mk. 2:3) All prayer has power and even an individual’s prayers have power (cp. James 5:16-18 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that...
by Steve Younger | Oct 24, 2019 | Clubs and Organisations
Midweek Meeting Contact: Steve Younger Our midweek Bible Study and Prayer group is open to everyone, church member or not. This meeting currently takes place online using Zoom. We meet on a Wednesday night at 8:30pm most weeks of the...
by | Oct 24, 2019 | Clubs and Organisations
Women’s Fellowship Contact: Chris Younger Until Covid-19 restrictions are lifted, this group has also been suspended. Once it restarts, our Women’s Fellowship group will meet on Tuesday afternoons at 1:30pm in the manse (163 Auchinraith...
by Steve Younger | Oct 24, 2019 | Clubs and Organisations
Scripture Union Leader: Steve Younger During the current Covid-19 restrictions for Children’s activities, our Scripture Union group has moved to meeting online using Zoom. It still meets at 6:30pm on Friday nights and finishes about...
by | Oct 23, 2019 | Clubs and Organisations
Men’s Group Contact: David Downie The current Covid-19 outbreak has led us to temporarily suspend this meeting until further notice. This is a monthly Men’s Breakfast Group, open to all men. Not all those currently attending are members of...
by | Oct 23, 2019 | Clubs and Organisations
Leader: Christine Younger Our Sunday Club is meeting again during the morning service of worship at 11:00am on Sundays. Children under the age of twelve are welcome. We have a dozen children and young people one our register. Some are the...
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