About Us
High Blantyre Baptist Church is a member Church of the Baptist Union of Scotland. The Denomination is in membership of the European Baptist Federation which has links with Baptists world-wide. Globally, Baptists are the largest Protestant Christian denomination. Though one in four US citizens claims membership of a Baptist Church, Baptists are found across the world and have a long tradition in Europe dating back to the Reformation era.
Our Deacons (left to right): Janet Young (Treasurer), Laura Horne (Secretary), David Downie and Graham Horne (front right). Also in the picture is Jim Milligan, one of our members.
High Blantyre Baptist Church has 20 members of all ages. Membership is normally by Believer’s Baptism by Immersion though it is also possible to join us by Declaration of Faith if you are an active Christian coming from a different tradition. With friends and adherents attending we average a congregation on Sunday mornings of 25 at the moment due to Covid-19 restrictions. We also have a repeat of our morning service on Zoom in the evening. Contact us for details if you would like to joint this.
The Church normally has a full programme of events for all ages and groups. Due to the coronavirus outbreak most of our programme is suspended or online until further notice. Once we return to normal, we will run a Scripture Union group in the Church’s building; a monthly Men’s breakfast group; a Sunday Club; a Ladies’ Fellowship Meeting; regular Coffee Mornings and a midweek Bible Study. The members of the Church all live in the community or nearby and the Church actively participates in joint services and work with Blantyre’s other Churches and Chapels.
Our main service of worship is open to all and is at 11:00am on Sundays. Capacity is limited at the moment so please check ahead to see if there is space. Our building fully complies with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act. There is a ramp to the front door and internally the building is on one level. A toilet with wheel-chair access is situated off the main hall. All corridors have handrails.